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  • Writer's picturejasminnneamy

How to apply false eyelashes the easiest way in only 8 steps!

In this blog post I am going to explain in a step-by-step format how to apply false eyelashes the easiest and fasted way. Keep reading to find out how...


1 - Curl your natural lashes and curl.

2 - Trim the false lashes band to the length of your eye, with small scissors.

3 - Apply glue to your favourite lashes (I will leave links at the bottom of the page).

4 - Wait around about 40-50 seconds for the glue to get tacky.

5 - When the glue is tacky enough, use a pair of pointed tweezers and pick up the lash by the band.

6 - Lay the lash band along your natural lash line and apply pressure to one end at a time for around 20-30 seconds with the tweezers.

7 - Once the lashes are securely glued, squish the lash band into your natural lashes. This will help the lashes to look more realistic and flow into your natural lashes.

8 - Apply another coat of mascara to help them to flow together well.

Lashes -

Lash Glue -

Mascara - use code: RTX14B (20% off until 10/05/2019)

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